3.0 (76)

Description :

Jessica, the daughter of an impoverished apple farmer, still believes in Santa Claus. So when she comes across a reindeer with an injured leg, it makes perfect sense to her to assume that it is Prancer, who had fallen from a Christmas display in town. She hides the reindeer in her barn and feeds it cookies, until she can return it to Santa. Her father finds the reindeer an decides to sell it to the butcher, not for venison chops, but as an advertising display.


Qualité Language Sub
2.69 Go
HDLight 720p
il y a 4 mois
MrBeast avatar
Collectionneur de Fichiers
merci, un classique de noel !!
MrBeast avatar
Collectionneur de Fichiers
oggurobb avatar
Pirate de Données en Herbe
Merci pour ce film. Est-il possible de l\'avoir avec un taille moindre (2Go max) ? Merci d\'avance.